

What is the class of housefly?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is the class of housefly?
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The class of housefly?


What is the name of housefly?

The larval housefly is referred to as a maggot.

What is excretory organ of housefly?

excretory organ of housefly

Zoological name for housefly?

The zoological name for the housefly is Musca domestica.

What is the name of baby housefly?

The larval housefly is referred to as a maggot.

Does the young of housefly resemble adult?

No, the young of a housefly is a maggot.

Which is the most disturbing insect a mosquito or housefly?

housefly...though mosquitoes are irritating,but never more than a horrible housefly...

Is housefly a compound word?

Yes Housefly is a compound word because its two words made to a word. where does the fly it lives in a house. house + fly = Housefly so housefly is a compound word

What is the kingdom phylum class order family genus species of housefly?

Kingdom: AnimaliaPhlyum: ArthopodaClass: InsectaOrder: DipteraFamily: MuscidaeGenus:MuscaSpecies: M. Domestica

Young of a housefly?

A housefly starts from a egg. Once it hatches it becomes a maggot.

How many days can a common housefly live?

A housefly lives one day.

How does a housefly reproduce?

Housefly reproduces when the male egg is attached to the female egg.