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Q: What is the cleanest blood type in the ABO group?
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Related questions

Can O and A blood group parents have child?

Yes,but if the baby is blood type B then there is ABO incompatibility.

How does antigens and antibodies determine one's abo blood type?

It is the antigens that determine ones blood group.

What kind of Anitbodies does a person with Type A blood have?

For ABO antibodies, group A has anti-B.

What is the ABO blood system and Co dominance?

explain co-dominance selecting the example of ABO blood group system

Who can i give blood to if I'm type ABO?

there are no blood type as ABO there are practically 4 types of blood groups i.e. A, B, AB and O O blood group can donate blood to all other groups A can give to A and AB B can give to B and AB AB blood group can only give blood to AB only but can receive blood from all other groups

What is the difference between ABO blood group and MN blood group?

MN blood group codes for antigens M and N on red blood cells . and ABO blood group does the same by coding A B AND i antigen on red blood cells. but as MN blood group do not illustrate strong immunity so they are ignored in regular blood transfusions . while ABO blood groups are taken in consideration as the give strong immunological reactions

What did Karl landsteiner discover?

The ABO blood group.

What is determined by multiple alleles?

abo blood group

If your abo blood type is ab what other abo blood groups could you give blood?

A person with blood type AB cannot give blood to anyone but can receive blood from anyone

In which year ABO system of blood grouping discovered?

The ABO blood group system was discovered in 1900 by Karl Landsteiner. The AB blood group was discovered by Von Decastellor and Sturli in 1902.

What is the blood type of a woman with the genotype IA at the ABO locus?

Her blood type will be A.

Which of the following is determined by multiple alleles?

ABO blood group