

What is the cleanest farm animal?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Pigs are the cleanest farm animals, although they may seem very dirty and smelly they actually like to keep very clean.

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Q: What is the cleanest farm animal?
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Is pig the cleanest animal in the world?


Is a pig the cleanest animal?

Pigs are considered the cleanest domesticated mammals, they will designate one corner for feces, this corner is far away from the food troughs.

What is the cleanest animal on earth?

The cleanest animal is a cockroach - Believe it or not !Cats, they always keep themselves clean.Pigs are not the cleanest, clearly the truth is out there, Pigs live in their own faeces and I would advise you visit a farm. Pigs have been banned for humanity, firstly the Jews, then Christians and then Muslims. All 3 faiths have same God however SOME faith took on priest made laws and made legal what they pleased.It is scientifically proven also, but do not believe in Media, look up research journals.Bring in facts and proof.Although it doesn't look like it, a pig! is the cleanest animal on earth! Go "pig"ure!Believe it or not the cockroach is the cleanest animal out there. They clean their whole body constantly because their lifestyle, which would be dirty areas such as the sewers. If it weren't for them, the world would be a much dirtier place since they eat everything whether its rotting or not.Pig

Is a pig a weird animal?

Yes in many ways. But no in some ways. A pig is a farm animal so it is very dirty. But i think it is weird that a animal will roll in dirt. Pigs are very smelly and some how cute.Pigs are the next most intelligent mammal after man. They are also one of the cleanest animals despite what people mistakenly believe. They are not weird, they are clever.

What is the dirtiest rat or pig?

No animals like to be dirty, however, cattle are known to be more dirtier than pigs. Pigs are one of the cleanest farm animal, they will lie in mud only to cool themselves (they do not have sweat glands). In the barn or pen they will designate one corner that is far away from feed source and sleeping area for feces.

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I belive a cat is the second cleanest animal,becuse it licks itself every day

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Well, a fly is the 4th most cleanest insect since they are constintly cleaning them selves,believe it or not. A cockoroach is the cleanest ANIMAL/INSECT in the world.

Is a pig the cleanest animal?

Pigs are considered the cleanest domesticated mammals, they will designate one corner for feces, this corner is far away from the food troughs.

What is the cleanest animal on earth?

The cleanest animal is a cockroach - Believe it or not !Cats, they always keep themselves clean.Pigs are not the cleanest, clearly the truth is out there, Pigs live in their own faeces and I would advise you visit a farm. Pigs have been banned for humanity, firstly the Jews, then Christians and then Muslims. All 3 faiths have same God however SOME faith took on priest made laws and made legal what they pleased.It is scientifically proven also, but do not believe in Media, look up research journals.Bring in facts and proof.Although it doesn't look like it, a pig! is the cleanest animal on earth! Go "pig"ure!Believe it or not the cockroach is the cleanest animal out there. They clean their whole body constantly because their lifestyle, which would be dirty areas such as the sewers. If it weren't for them, the world would be a much dirtier place since they eat everything whether its rotting or not.Pig

Who was the first animal that died on Animal Farm?

The first animal to die on the farm (while it's still known as "Manor Farm") is Old Major. The first animal to die after the farm was renamed "Animal Farm" is a sheep in the Battle of the Cowshed.

What is a good farm animal on Webkinz?

Well i wouldn't GET a FARM ANIMAL but if i did i would get the cow. they r the best farm animal. =)

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Benjamin - Animal Farm - was created in 1945.

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