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Q: What is the climate (type of seasons) in the rest of Africa?
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Describe the climate type of seasons in the rest of Africa?

It is cold and warm its undecied so make sure you have warm and cool cothing because it will change . It would be warm or hot about morning and get colder in the evenings.

What is the difference between seasons and climate?

The Climate of a region annually encompasses each and all of It's Four Seasons.

Which climate type is not found in North Africa?

I think that you wouldn't find a humid tropical climate type in North Africa.

What are the four climate zones in africa?

Africa has four different climate types. The southern part of the country is a tropical rainforest. The tropical savanna climate covers most of western Nigeria and is drier than the rainforest. The Sahel climate is dry and only sees rainfall three to four months per year. The fourth type of climate is a desert climate and the rest of the country sees dry, hot climate.

What type of climate does Africa have?

a really hot one

What type of climate does most of norther Africa have?


What is a type of ecosystem with moderate climate and distinct seasons?

Temperate Deciduous Rainforest

What type of climate in Egypt?

Since Egypt is located in north Africa, it mostly has a dry climate.

What is the climate of Africa like?

Practically every type of climate is represented somewhere in Africa. It's a big continent. Look it up on a map and see.

What type of climate does north Africa have?

It ranges from tropical to desert. Most of Africa lies in the torrid zone.

What typical type of climate would you see in Africa?

At the hottest, about 106 degrees.

What type of climate mesoamerica have?

Mesoamerica has a tropical highland climate. Tropical highlands have lush vegetation and seasonal temperatures and precipitation. This means they exhibit distinct seasons.