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Q: What is the climate like were the penguins live?
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Do penguins live in a polar climate?

yes they do

What climate do penguins have?

penguins live in cold areas of the antarctic and warm areas of Australia and south America

How long could a penguin live in a hot place?

Not all species of penguins live in cold climate of Antarctica. There are at least 10 species of penguins live in temperate region. However, larger sized penguins live in colder regions and smaller penguins live in temperate regions.

Do penguins have special fur to keep them warm?

No, penguins do not need to keep warm because they live in a very cold climate.

What is emperor penguins climate like?

probs -50 to-100

Why are penguins so fat?

Penguins live in a very cold climate, and therefore they need an extra layer of fat to keep them warm.

How are penguins adapted to live in such a climate?

they huddle up in groups and they have lots of blubber around them

Are jackass penguins the only penguins that live in a hot place?

No! Many penguins live in hot places like male emperor penguins! Hope this helps.

Can Emperor Penguins live in warm climates?

Yes, penguins can live in warm climates but precisly cold climate penguins can not live in warm climates, but if a cold climate new born penguin hatched in a warm climate it can be possible but they wouldent live for very long.

Are penguins in alaska?

No Penguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere. In Alaska they would not survive, the climate that they require simply dosent suit for a Penguin in Alaska.

What country do penguins live in?

Penguins live in many countries, not just Antarctica. Different types of Penguins, like the Little Penguin, live in New Zealand. Some penguins live in South America, places like Peru, Argentina, Chile and the Galapagos Islands. No penguins live in North America. African Penguins live in Africa, and some Penguins live in Australia.

What do penguins think about climate change?

nothing.they are penguins.