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Q: What is the code for a liver blood test?
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Your alt blood test is 70 is that really bad?

An alt blood test is a test of your liver enzymes. An alt of 70 shows mild to moderate fatty liver, and is not bad.

What natrally occurring porblems does propylthiouracil mimic?

Abnormal liver blood test and liver problems.

Does she had a liver mean she has a liver disease?

Not all the time only if she gets a simple blood test that can tell you.

What is symbol for liver enzymes on blood test?

Liver enzymes in blood tests are ALT/SGPT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST/SGOT (aspartate aminotransferase).

Why are blood tests given to liver cancer patients?

Blood tests may be used to test liver function or to evaluate risk factors in the patient's history.

Will THC be detected in your liver functions blood test?

Obviously you fking idiot!

What does liver profile on a blood test request form mean?

This is a group of blood tests which all analyze liver function and tell how well your liver is doing its job. These tests usually include tests for bilirubin levels, and several liver enzymes.

What conditions can diagnosed using a CBC blood test?

There are several conditions that can be diagnosed using a CBC (Complete Blood Count) blood test. Among these conditions are anemia and liver disease.

If you drink alcohol before a liver panel test will it effect the results?

If you drink alcohol before a liver panel test, the results may be affected due to the way the liver functions. It is responsible for filtering the alcohol out of the blood.

What is the abbreviation to have your liver checked with a blood test?

These are commonly known as LiverFunction Tests - LFTs.

If you have two drinks the night before your blood test will it effect the liver results?


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