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Q: What is the code for the flying balloon on Build-a-Bearville?
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What is a buildabearville code?

a buildabearville code is 12 letters and numbers or just numbers put together into a code. which u can use at the build-a-bear-workshop at the town square to get free items, money, or u can use the code to bring a animal to life. one buildabearville code is '''TK3Z-6V8PV48L another code is milk-rcks-2008 '''

How do you get rides on Build-A-Bearville?

you have to have a receipt code and enter it at the buildabearville workshop.

Is balloon flying a traditional sport?


How Do you Get A Code For Buildabearville?

visit my site at to have all the answeres

Does anyone have a buildabearville code that is something like an emotion or a bear code?

There is every code possible on this web site:

Where is the balloon boy flying on poptropica counterfeit island?

You do not need to find balloon boy and you can't find him

An unused buildabearville code to bring a bear to life send it to me at makayla

i don't think anyone will give you there babv code... sorry...

What are some cheat codes for recipt numbers for buildabearville?

get a build a bear and you're sure to get a recipt code!

How do you cheat on buildabearville?

you need to type in a code and put the code where it tells you to like in town square you put a code there research it online have fun using your codes thx!!!!!: )

Does flying a hot air balloon require a license?


How can you send a balloon flying with a letter stuck to it?

Fill the balloon with a gas which is lighter than air: helium, for example.

How do I redeem my BuildABears virtual gifts?

you have to make an account on buildabearville, go to buildabearworkshop on buildabearville and speack to the bear at the till and click on virtual gifts codes. Tipe in your code and then your vitrual gift should go into the stuff. sex