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Q: What is the coldest temperature with positive and negative?
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Is fifteen degrees positive or negative?

This is a positive temperature on the Celsius scale and negative on the other scales.

Does a safe reactor have a positive or negative 'temperature coefficient of reactivity'?

negative 'temperature coefficient of reactivity'

What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Barrie?

hi i think its in the negative 30's to 40s

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What is the coldest official temperature ever recorded on earth (degrees centigrade) - negative

What is the temperature at 90000 feet?

Negative or positive?

How do positive and negative numbers relate to a star's temperature?

the positive is the dimmest star. the negative is the brightest star.

How do you use negative and positive numbers in everyday?

negative numbers> temperature.

Is absolute temperature is same like absolute zero?

No, but they are related. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature. Absolute temperature is the temperature above this coldest possible temperature - i.e., how much hotter is it than the coldest theoretically possible temperature. Celsius temperature isn't absolute. It starts from the temperature of freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Fahrenheit temperature isn't absolute. It says that zero is 32 degrees colder than freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Absolute temperature starts from absolute zero. Nothing is colder than that, so absolute temperature is never a negative number.

What is the difference between positive and negative temperature coefficient of resistance?

Negative temperature coefficient of resistance means that as the temperature of a piece of wire or a strip of semiconducting material increases, the electrical resistance of that material decreases.

Where NOT WHAT was the coldest temperature on earth recorded?

The coldest temperature on Earth was recorded in Antarctica.

Is a decrease in temperature expressed as a positive or negative value?

negative value because it's decreasing :)