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Are Unrequited love and mistaken identity key features in the comedy Twelfth Night?

Yes, both unrequited love and mistaken identity are key plot elements in Twelfth Night. Orsino is introduced as someone pining for the love of Olivia, which he cannot win. Viola is also in love with Orsino which she cannot disclose without revealing that she is a woman. Olivia is in love with Viola, believing her to be a man, a love which cannot be requited. The near-identical twins Viola and Sebastian give rise to a number of mistakes as to identity. Antonio, thinking she is Sebastian, asks Viola for a return of his money. Sir Andrew and Sir Toby, thinking that they are dealing with Viola, attack Sebastian and get beaten up. Finally, Olivia marries Sebastian thinking he is Viola.

What is the central idea of the poem The Beggar Maid?

Viola is a gentlewoman from a country called Messaline and also the twin sister of Sebastian. Whether disguised as the young man Cesario or in her true identity as Sebastian's sister, Viola is the central character of the play. Not only does the main plot dilemma hinge upon Viola, she is the only one of the characters (or at least the first) who knows its kinks. In this sense, Viola has greater wisdom than the others do, for she is able to objectively evaluate (most) of the events that take place while others remain in the dark. Resourceful, loving and loyal, Viola is an attractive young...

Why does Viola disguise herself in Twelfth Night?

Viola has been shipwrecked in a strange country where she knows nobody. She has no means of support so she needs a job. However, there weren't many jobs that women could do apart from being a prostitute, and most of those were home industries that involved having start-up capital. Her employment options as a man were better (especially since she wanted to work for Orsino). Besides, a woman alone ran the risk of molestation much more than a young man alone, who might be expected to have some fighting skills.

Who was orsino's servant in the Twelfth Night?

Cesario, who was actually Viola in disguise.

Did orsino and Olivia get married in Twelfth Night?

No Duke Orsino marrys Viola