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Every colour. Although I will add that it is more common for compounds to be white than to have other colours.

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Q: What is the color of chemical substances?
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A change in the color of a solution is a sign thatthere is a chemical change happening. A chemical change happens when two substances combine forming another substance. It can also happen when two or more substances decompose.

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This is ethanol (C2H5OH) with some added substances to modify the color, odor and taste.

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No, a reaction with many substances is not a physical property of water. Physical properties of water include its boiling point, density, and color, whereas the ability to undergo reactions with different substances is a chemical property.

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This is a chemical reaction. When substances change you can call it chemical.

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The chemical properties of an object show what a chemical change did to that substance.

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Chemical Change

What happens to a substance during a chemical change or chemical reaction?

substances can change to a solid, gas or liquid. solid - precipitate gas - fumes liquid - color change Either way, since its a chemical reaction, there always will be a change in the chemical composistion of a substance.

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Substances that undergo chemical change are called reactants.

Chemical change definition?

A chemical change involves altering substances. One or more substances are changed into different and new substances in this process.

Are chemical changes when substances combine or are they when substances breaking apart?

A reaction between two substances or the decomposition of a substance are chemical changes.