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White is commonly associated with innocence, purity, and cleanliness. It is often used to symbolize a fresh start or new beginnings.

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Q: What is the color of innocence?
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What does the color stand for on the American flag?

purity and innocence

What does the color beige mean?

beige means life and innocence

What does the color peach symbolize?

The color peach symbolizes innocence that is mixed with wisdom and love. This explains why the color is usually applied on the virgin's face.

What color symbolizes maturity?

The colour yellow displays innocence, and therefore symbolizes maturity.

What is the symbolic meaning of the color white in the Bible?

purity, righteousness, cleanliness, innocence, and joy

What color represent innocence?

White is often associated with innocence because it connotes purity, simplicity, and a sense of new beginnings. Additionally, white is traditionally worn in many cultures to symbolize innocence, such as in weddings or christenings.

What literary symbol is innocence?

A common literary symbol of innocence is a white dove, which represents purity, peace, and naivety. Innocence can also be symbolized by a lamb, often used to depict gentleness and vulnerability. Additionally, the color white is a symbol of innocence and purity in many literary works.

What color represents Chastity?

In Western cultures, the color white is often associated with chastity due to its association with purity and innocence. However, the color choice can vary depending on cultural or religious beliefs.

What does each color symbolize in their eyes were watching god?

In "Their Eyes Were Watching God," the color yellow symbolizes vitality and independence, while the color blue represents peace and stability. Additionally, the color white is associated with purity and innocence, and the color red symbolizes passion and love.

How did Ida B. Wells work to end lynching?

She proved the innocence of victims.

What does the color white mean in feng shui?

White is considered one of the "supreme" colours in Feng Shui and generally is representative of innocence and purity.

What do the colors symbolize in the pearl by john Steinbeck?

In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, the colors play a symbolic role. The color white usually symbolizes purity and innocence, the color black represents evil and darkness, and the color red often symbolizes danger and anger. These colors help convey deeper meanings in the story and reflect the characters' emotions and experiences.