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purity, righteousness, cleanliness, innocence, and joy

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Q: What is the symbolic meaning of the color white in the Bible?
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What is the meaning of the color white?

The meaning of the colour white isnt, as white is not a colour.

What are symbolic color?

White, royal blue, purple, rose, dark green, silver, and grey

What is symbolic meaning of a white glove?

The symbolic meaning of a white glove is broken into two separate parts. The white of the glove means purity/ goodness, and the glove can mean a lot of different things like for the poem "The Signal" the glove is symbolic of dignity, bravery, and honor like in the middle ages because of the leaders actions. Though if you ask Michael Jackson, you might get a different response.

What is the symbolic meaning of white butterfly?

Butterflies generally represent souls, and white is the color for purity. In general terms, it's simply a pure soul. If it visits you at an important moment in your life, it may represent a guardian spirit, ushering you along the path of life.

How many times is the color white mentioned in the bible?

70 times in the King James Version of the Bible.

What is Santa Claus's favorite color?

Santa really likes the color white, because it is the color of snow and is also symbolic of purity and goodness. Really, though, he likes all colors.

Why the color of the bible is black?

The Bible also is sold with white, or blue, or green, or yellow, or pink, or other colors. My Bible that I have is dark blue.

What does the color burgundy represent in the bible?

Specifically, burgundy has no meaning or symbolism in the Bible. The colours, crimson, scarlet or red, are similar to burgundy and these symbollicaly represent bloodshed (Jesus' blood), sacrifice and blood atonement. Maybe this was the colour you were asking about. Very similar to to the colour of burgundy. Colours in the scriptures communicate truths to us by way of symbolic use. The colour red is significant along with others.

What is meaning of seeing 2 white doves?

I guess any meaning you can put on it. But, according to the Bible, it has no meaning what-so-ever.

Is the word white an adverb?

The word white as a color is an adjective. It refers to a noun, not a verb. It can also be a noun meaning the color white, or the white part of an egg or of an eye

Why is white a good colour for a fridge to be?

because white is a universal color, meaning everything matches with white.