

What color is the dorsal of frog?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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The color of the frogs dorsal side is not consistent. This is because many different frogs are many different colors.

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15y ago

The dorsal of a leopard frog is green with black spots. Frogs come in lots of colors so you need to specify which frog you have in mind.

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Where is the dorsal side in a frog located?

The dorsal side is the top portion of the frog.

Whats the colour difference between frogs ventral and dorsal side?

It helps them camouflage itself from predators. Although the answer above is true, here is a more informative answer. The bottom of the frog is a lighter color then the top. This is because if the frog is floating on top of the water, and prey or a predator looks up and the frog, the suns glare makes the frog harder to see. Also, there are darker splotches on the bottom so it doesn't show the silhouette for the frog. the top of the frog is darker because when swimming at the bottom of a murky lake, it blends in with the bottom.

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The dorsal view of a common frog is what you would see when looking down on the frog from above. The dorsal view typically includes the frog's back, head, eyes, and toes.

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The dorsal of the frog absorbs heat energy and the ventral of the frog cools all the heat that the dorsal takes in. == ==

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Dorsal means on or near the back of the body.

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A frog is a tailless amphibian, having a short squat body and very long hind legs for leaping. The color of the dorsal surface is green while the ventral surface is off-white.

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The dorsal side has a more dark color so that it is able to blend in with moss or lily pads in the water. Where as the ventral side is a more yellow color so it blend with plants underneath the water and out of preys sight.

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dorsal and ventral view

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Ventral is the term relating to the belly or abdomen of the frog.

Average length of a giant tree frog and what color?

The white-lipped Tree Frog (Litoria infrafrenata) reaches 4 inches, maximum 5 inches and has a light green tot brown dorsal colour and a whitish underside.

What is the difference between a frog dorsal side and ventral side?

Ventral relates to the belly or abdomen of the frog.

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The dorsal blend in with the water, and the ventral blends in with the bottom surface. So they can tell if its dangerous if it is brightly colored. ( bright red frog= poisonous and non-tasty frog) :D - < I'm not sure if this right...I just guess..> P.S. This is exactly the same question on my science worksheet!