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Colubrids are a diverse family of snakes. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

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Q: What is the colour of a colubrid snake?
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What is a dark blue colubrid?

A snake

Is the colubrid family the largest snake family?

Yes, it includes approximately two-thirds of all the snake species on Earth.

What family is the corn snake related to?

Corn snakes are in the colubrid family, the largest family of snakes.

What snake family is the typical snakes how many species are in the family?

THe largest family of snakes is the colubrid family with over 1900 species.

Is dhaman is poisnous or not?

Although the Dhaman species belongs to the colubrid family of snakes (which are mostly venomous) - this particular species is not.

Which snake like to eat bird eggs?

There is a specifically recognised species - called an egg-eating snake. It belongs to the colubrid family of snakes, and is a member of the Dasypeltis family. See the related link to Wikipedia for a comprehensive article - including pictures of the snake eating and egg.

What snake bites but doesn't hurt?

Most snake bites will hurt to some degree. I have found however that hatch lings of various colubrid species such as kings corns gophers etc. inflict little to no pain and rarely ever draw blood.

What species are Grass adder and smooth?

They are the three native British species of snakes. The Grass Snake (Natrix natrix) is a member of the Natrix species. The Viper (Vipera berus) is a member of the Vipera species and the Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca) is a member of the Colubrid species.

Do all snake babies colour is black? depends on what type of snake.

Which snakes use venom to kill?

Elapids (Cobras, Mambas, Kraits, Coral Snakes etc.), Atractaspidids (Burrowing Asps), Vipers (Pit Vipers, Rattlesnakes etc.), Hydrophiids (Sea Snakes) and a few members of the Colubrid family (Boomslang, Twig Snake, Brazilian Smooth Snake etc.).

What will happen if a black corn snake and a normal phase corn snake mate?

you just get different colour corn snakes

Are Colubrid Snakes venomous?

Most colubrid snakes are not venomous, but some are. Those that are venomous are only mildly so and ar not dangerous to humans. However, a few colubrids, such as the boomslang in Africa, can be deadly.