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Q: What is the colour of carbon dioxide extinguishers?
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What gas is in a extinguisher?

Carbon Dioxide is used in extinguishers meant for use on electrical fires.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are designed for which fuel types?

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can be used on Class B, C and E.

What do humans use carbon dioxide for?

Fire extinguishers!!

Is carbon used in fire extinguishers?

Yes, a carbon-dioxide type of fire extinguisher contains ONLY carbon dioxide. Other extinguishers might use compressed nitrogen or other inert gases as propellants, as well as compressed carbon dioxide.

What gas is often used in fire extinguishers?

Carbon dioxide.

Why are carbon dioxide fire extinguishers different from water ones?

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are generally used because they absorb the oxygen content present in the air and thus help in extinguishing fire.

What class of fires are carbon dioxide fire extinguishers most commonly used on?

Carbon Dioxide based extinguishers are classified by the letters BC and ABC. They are primarily used in laboratories and should not be used in homes or businesses.

What colour would Carbon dioxide change limewater to?

Carbon dioxide.

Uses for carbon dioxide?

Carbon Dioxide can be used to add fizz to drinksand is used in fire extinguishers because it dose not support cummbustion.

What chemicals is in the fire extinguisher?

In fire extinguishers, they put carbon dioxide in it because it extinguishes fires. The two ingredients of carbon dioxide are; baking soda and vinegar.

A difference between hydrogen and carbon dioxide?

carbon dioxide is quite unreactive and used in fire extinguishers. Hydrogen burns readily with oxygen and is used as a rocket fuel.

What colour is carbon dioxide at room temperature?

You can't see Carbon Dioxide at room temperature.