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Q: What is the colour of fresh fennel bulb?
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How much fennel seed equals one fennel bulb?

1 teaspoon

How do you slice fennel bulb? Well, here's your answer bub.

What is similar taste to fennel?

fennel bulb taste a little like black licorice, the leaves do too only less . Its a fresh clean taste. Give it a taste before you use it .

What do you do with anise bulb?

If you have a bulb that is labeled an anise bulb, it is likely fennel. Anise has seeds. However, it does taste similar to fennel and in some areas fennel bulbs are called anise bulbs. You slice the anise bulb up to use in recipes where you want the flavor. Cut the root part off and throw it away and remove the fronds before slicing, or chopping the bulb.

What is red fennel?

Fennel is a versatile, large, clump-forming perennial herb from the Mediterranean that has been valued for cooking since Ancient Roman times and earlier. Its seeds have a pungent anise flavor and are used as a common spice. In fact, they lend the predominant flavor in Italian sausage. Vegetable, or bulb fennel cultivars develop large, bulbous bases that have the crisp texture of celery and a mild anise flavor. Bulb fennel is a traditional ingredient in Mediterranean cooking and may be eaten cooked or fresh.

What stores sell fennel?

You can find fennel seed in most supermarkets. You can also find fennel at stores like Wal Mart if you are looking for fresh fennel. You can buy the plant at gardens tires.

How do you store fennel?

Store fresh fennel in the refrigerator crisper, where it should keep fresh for about four days. Try to use it soon after purchase, because as it ages, it tends to gradually lose its flavor. While you can blanch and freeze fresh fennel, it may lose much of its flavor during this process. Store dried fennel seeds in an airtight container in a cool and dry location where they will keep for about six months. Storing fennel seeds in the refrigerator will help to keep them fresher longer.

How much on average does a fennel bulb weigh?

235 grams (8.3 ounces).

How do you keep fennel seed fresh?

In a sealed container out of direct sunlight.

How can someone tell if fennel in the grocery store is fresh?

One can tell if fennel in the grocery store is fresh by looking and feeling it. It should look full and not shriveled up. In terms of feeling, it should be firm.

How do you select fennel?

Fennel is usually available from autumn through early spring. Select bulbs that are clean, firm, and solid, without signs of splitting, bruising, or spotting. The bulbs should be white or pale green in color. Look for stalks that are relatively straight and closely superimposed around the bulb and should not splay out to the sides too much. Both the stalks and the leaves should be green. Fresh fennel should have a fragrant aroma, smelling subtly of licorice or anise. Avoid flowering buds as this indicates that the bulb is past maturity.

What Rhymes With Kennel?

Fennel- A plant, Foeniculum vulgare, of the parsley family; The bulb, leaves, or stalks of the plant, eaten as a vegetable; The seeds of the fennel plant used as a spice in cooking