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Q: What is the combining form for the pointed tip of the heart is?
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A term means pertaining to the apex of the heart?

The cardial apex means the apex of the heart. This is the "pointed" end or the tip. The top is called the base.

What is the pointed part of the lung?

The top pointed tip of the lung is the apex, while the pointed tip on the bottom of the left lung is called the lingula.

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What is the definition for spike?

A sharp pointed tip

Another word for pointed end?


Which finger do you wear a claddagh ring on?

The Claddagh ring is worn on the right ring finger with the tip of the heart pointing outward if one is free/ not taken. If love is found the heart faces inward. if married the ring is put on the left ring finger with the tip of the heart pointed inward to show all you are married.

Why does a nail has pointed tip?

A nail has a pointed tip in order to easily penetrate and secure materials when driven into them. The pointed tip helps the nail to start the insertion process by pushing aside the material, making it easier to drive the nail all the way in.

Why a nail has a pointed tip?

the tip of a nail is kept pointed by keeping in mind the principle that pressure is inversely proportionate to the area in contact. The pointed tip covers a less area, further creating a situation of more pressure, so that we could easily pierce it through the wall.

What are dominant traits of poison ivy?

Poison ivy has groups of three leaves that are pointed at the tip. The leaves are serrated on the edges and the plant can form vines.

Are oak leaves pointed at the tip?

Yes. They can really hurt you.

What is another name for the pointed end?

Tip.The answer is tip <<cheers>>

Why do the thumb pins have pointed tip and a broad head?

how do i know