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Q: What is the common source of infection?
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What animal is the most common source of human infection from Campylobacter bacteria?

Chickens are the most common source of human infection.

Is staph infection the most common source of nosocomial infection?

I believe it is the root cause of most infections.

Identify common sources of infection-?

One common source of infection is an open wound. If a wound isn't cleaned properly, bacteria can breed in the warm viscera within and cause an infection.

Why is it important to locate the source of an infection epidemic?

To trace an epidemic back to its source, you should first find the common denominator between the infected. Next, you work your way backwards after finding each common factor until you reach the source.

WhAT skin infection is common during adolescens?

The skin infection that is common during adolescence is called acne.

What is the most common infection that can be transmitted from mother to fetus?

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common infection that can be transmitted to a fetus.

What skin infection caused by bacteria is common during adolescents?

Acne is a bacterial skin infection common during adolescence.

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What is the common infecting organism in a sinus infection?

The most common infection organism in a sinus infection is caused by Anaerobic bacteria. It is can grow in the presence or absence of air and are a common cause of infections some that are serious or life threatening.

How does a dog get a protozoan infection?

Usually by drinking from a protozoa-infested outdoor water source.

What is the correct order of the chain of infection?

source, means of transmission, susceptible host