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Q: What is the complete verb of Have you ever ridden a horse before?
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Have you ride a horse or have you ridden a horse?

its "have you ridden a horse" for the English prenounciation. :) mml

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What is the oldest horse the Arabian is the prewaslkis?

The oldest horse breed ever is the Prezwalksi 's horse, and also the only horse breed left to still run wild and not 1 has ever been tamed or ridden by human kind. But some do believe the Arab is the oldest.

When has Selena Gomez ever ridden a horse?

At every point in a child's life they ride a horse! I rode when one I turned five yrs old. And IDK if shes ever riden one but she probaly haz.

Can horses be ridden on accommodation land?

Before you ride check with the council where you are allowed to ride - bridleways are a given, but sometimes there are other paths that you can take. If you're ever unsure, to avoid unfriendliness, and possible prosecution (people are funny), always check with your council or whichever horse society applies to your area (e.g. UK - British Horse Society).

Has there ever actually been bear cavalry?

No. That's a fictional fantasy. Bears are not domesticated, which is a primary requirement before any creature can be ridden.

Is ride an irregular verb?

Ridden is a passive verb.Passive verb phrases have this form - be verb + past participle.Ridden is a past participle but it is only passive when used with a be verb. egThe horse was ridden in the race by a new jockey.

After a horse has had Founder will it ever be able to gallop again?

Don't worry, your horse will be able to run again. I have a Quarter horse/Racking horse named Silky. He had founder once before I owned him. Let the horse rest for a while and slowly work up into riding your horse. DO NOT RUSH HIM/HER! When you think he/she is ready to be ridden again, just walk and trot your horse for at least 5 weeks or so. Just slowly work up into running again. In a few months your horse should be good as new, just as my horse Silky is right now. I hope my advise helps you and your horse.

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Why can't a low - backed horse rack?

I am sure it is possible for a low-backed horse to rack, however, the Rack requires a high head set and therefore, a dished in back and that puts alot of pressure on the horse, especially on its back. Since a low-backed horse already has a messed-up back, it puts even more strain on the horse, and can lead to a horse with no chance of ever being ridden again.

What is the complete verb of the sentence have you ever ridden a horse before?

Went, and Riding. Any word that descrides action is a verb. "Riding" a horse is action. "Went" is action because it describes you "going" to do whatever. They are differently classified, but they are verbs. Here: "My Mom ran quickly to the store, strolled through the aisles and picked up a steak that she threw on the stove and cooked which we ate later." Ran, strolled, picked, threw and ate are all verbs. Quickly is an Adverb, because it describes the verb. Ran 'quickly'. By the way, there is one more verb in the sentence, what is it? Try to picture movement, and you have a verb.