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Q: What is the complexity of kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm on a graph with n nodes and e edges?
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How do you use prim's algorithm to find a spanning tree of a connected graph with no weight on its edges?

Prims Algorithm is used when the given graph is dense , whereas Kruskals is used when the given is sparse,we consider this because of their time complexities even though both of them perform the same function of finding minimum spanning tree. ismailahmed syed

Can dijkstra's algorithm produce a spanning tree?

yes, but a shortest path tree, not a minimum spanning tree

What is krushkal algorithm?

Kruskal's algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory that finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph. This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized. If the graph is not connected, then it finds a minimum spanning forest (a minimum spanning tree for each connected component). Kruskal's algorithm is an example of a greedy algorithm.

How can you find minimum spanning trees?

with minimum spanning tree algorthim

Who is the inventor of Reverse Delete Algorithm for MST When was this first published?

The Reverse Delete Algorithm for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree was first introduced by Edsger Dijkstra in 1959. He presented this algorithm in his paper titled "A note on two problems in connexion with graphs" which was published in Numerische Mathematik.

What is mining Spanning Tree algorithm?

It prevents loops in a switched network with redundant paths.

Applications of minimum cost spanning tree?

Minimum cost spanning tree is used for Network designing.(like telephone, electrical, hydraulic, TV cable, computer, road)

How does Prim's algorithm differ from Kruskal's and Dijkstra's algorithms?

First a vertex is selected arbitrarily. on each iteration we expand the tree by simply attaching to it the nearest vertex not in the tree. the algorithm stops after all yhe graph vertices have been included.. one main criteria is the tree should not be cyclic.

Why prims algorithm is better than kruskals algorithm?

"What are difference between Prim's algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph?" Prim's method starts with one vertex of a graph as your tree, and adds the smallest edge that grows your tree by one more vertex. Kruskal starts with all of the vertices of a graph as a forest, and adds the smallest edge that joins two trees in the forest. Prim's method is better when * You can only concentrate on one tree at a time * You can concentrate on only a few edges at a time Kruskal's method is better when * You can look at all of the edges at once * You can hold all of the vertices at once * You can hold a forest, not just one tree Basically, Kruskal's method is more time-saving (you can order the edges by weight and burn through them fast), while Prim's method is more space-saving (you only hold one tree, and only look at edges that connect to vertices in your tree).

When is minimum mean square error algorithm used?

This type of algorithm is commonly used in n dimensional clustering applications. This mean is commonly the simplest to use and a typical algorithm employing the minimum square error algorithm can be found in McQueen 1967.

What are the Prim and Kruskal algorithms?

we use them to find minimum spanning trees.

What is efficent Algorithm?

Basically it depends on your condition of the program but one should have these things in mind while making/writing an algorithm..... 1. Use minimum variable as much as possible. 2. Try to use the pointers instead of array's to allocate the memory at the run time. 3. Always check for the time and space complexity for the algorithm. 4. Use the exact data structure for the given problem.