

Best Answer

Carrots get their characteristic bright orange color from beta-carotene along with alpha and gamma-carotene. Carotenes are partly metabolized into vitamin A which has multiple functions.

  1. Growth and development
  2. Maintenance of the immune system
  3. Needed by the retina for good vision
  4. Important in cell growth
  5. It is known as an antioxidant
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Q: What is the compound in carrots and what does it actually do to protect your eyes?
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What does carrots do for our bodies?

Carrots help our eyes by providing vitamins and minerals. They can actually help improve your eyesight and, it is said, they can actually help you see in the dark.

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actually beetles have compound eyes dummys

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Actually, carrots do not help your eyesight. It was a rumor created by the English during WW

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No, actually the idea that carrots improve your eyesight has been proven to be wrong. Carrots are still healthy, though.

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Bees only have 2 eyes which are split into separate segments. This is called compound eyes and allow the bee to see in several directions. Compound eyes allow the bee to find food, protect itself, and meet the other needs it requires for survival.

Do carrots build muscle?

Directly, no. But they would definitely help in an overall nutrition plan to build muscle. Carrots have vitamin A and beta-carotene which helps eyes, hair, skin, and growth. Carrots also help maintain healthy cholesterol and protect against heart disease. All in all, eat carrots!

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Is there a vitamin A and if there is, what does it do?

There is such a thing as Vitamin A. This vitamin which is found in vegetables as carrots is composed of a compound which helps your eyes to work. Without this Vitamin, one will develop severe vision problems.

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Flies have compound eyes.

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Yes, houseflies have compound eyes.

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The compound eyes on a grasshopper are on its head;)