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Q: What is the concept of rule of law in Christianity and judaism?
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Is Christianity a spin off of Judaism?

No. Christianity might be considered a spin-off of Judaism, since Jesus was a Jew, as well as his disciples. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism since Jesus revealed that He is Messiah Yeshua. Of the law Jesus said "I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it."

How was a virgin purified by Jewish law?

There's no such concept in Judaism.

Who Wanted to keep Christianity as a part of Judaism?

I don't know of anybody in the Bible who wanted to keep Christianity as part of Judaism. Many people wanted to carry over elements of Judaism into Christianity. Paul's letter to the church at Galatia was written to encourage the Christians not to go back to keeping aspects of the law. After Paul had left this area, false teachers entered the churches and introduced wrong doctrine. They taught that salvation was by faith in Christ plus keeping the law. Their message was a mixture of Christianity and Judaism, of grace and law, of Christ and Moses.

What was the concept of rule law?

Everyone must obey the decrees of the land

What is the meaning of the term ''rule of law''?

The concept of rule of law was made popular by professor A.V.Dicey in his book "Enspirit De Law" published in 1885. According to Dicey, rule of law means absence of arbitrary government. Rule of law also pointed out that citizens rights must be protected by the law of the state

What does the term ''the rule of law'' mean?

The concept of rule of law was made popular by professor A.V.Dicey in his book "Enspirit De Law" published in 1885. According to Dicey, rule of law means absence of arbitrary government. Rule of law also pointed out that citizens rights must be protected by the law of the state

How different is Judaism from Christianity?

Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the promised messiah. Judaism is still waiting for the promised messiah.

Which concept originated in Greek civilization and influenced how public ordered is maintained in the US?

Rule of law

Why can't Muslims show their hair?

Only Muslim women (not men) are not allowed to show their hair except to their husbands and close relatives (that not entitled to get married with) as brother, father, grand father, father-in-law, uncle, son, etc. This rule is per Islam religion that is not subject to debate or justification. This rule applies also in both Judaism and Christianity but modified later on to applied in Judaism for only married women and in Christianity to be applied only on Nuns. Refer to the picture of Virgin Mary (Maryam in Arabic) for evidence.

What democratic concept did Judaism contribute?

One key concept that appears to have originated from Judaism is that all people are equal under the law, even the king is bound by the law, and the law applies equally to rich and poor and to master and slave. Earlier codes, such as the code of Hammurabi, had elaborate hierarchies, where the penalty for one person doing something to another depended on the social rank of the victim and the perpetrator.

Which concept originated in Greek civilization and influenced how public order is maintained in the US today?

Rule of law

What is difference between rule of law and rule by law?

Rule of Law is a state of order in which events conform to the law. As we can see from Dicey's 3 main concept of Rule of Law, we can conclude that rule of law means everyone is equal to the law, including the executive, judiciary and legislation. The law is the supreme authority and no one can go above it. Rule by law is means that no one is immune to the law set by the government. The government use the law in the most convenient way for them to govern a particular state, meaning, they set the rules and they are the supreme authority. They use the law to meet their own needs. The law is a tool of government.