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Q: What is the conflict and resolution in the happy prince story?
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The moment when the conflict ends?

The moment when the main conflict ends in a story is called the resolution. The resolution happens after the climax of the story.

What is the final part of the story in which the conflict is resolved and the story is brought to a close?

The conflict of a story is resolved during the falling action. This is where the characters begin to tie up all the loose ends in the story.

What is the complication in the story of the prince bantugan?

In the story of Prince Bantugan, the complication arises when the prince's kingdom is attacked by their enemies, the kingdom of Kaampong. Prince Bantugan is caught off guard and is unable to defend his kingdom, leading to him being poisoned and falling into a coma. This sets the stage for the resolution of the conflict in the story.

What is the end of the central conflict in a story called?

The end of a central conflict is called the resolution.

What part of the story resolves all the conflict in the story?

The resolution

Climax of the story of happy prince?

The climax of the story "The Happy Prince" occurs when the swallow says goodbye to the prince and falls away. "The Happy Prince" is a tale by Oscar Wilde.

In literature plot relies not only on the establishment of conflict but also its?

resolution. The resolution is the point in the story where the conflict is resolved, leading to the conclusion. It is an essential component that provides closure to the narrative and allows for the story to come to a satisfying end.

What is the falling-action of a story?

A resolution of the story's main conflict and an end to the story's plot.

What part of the plot resolves all the conflict in a story?

The resolution

what is the resolution of a story ?

Maura and her mother pull themselves out onto the riverbank.

What resolution do the boys find for their conflict of the story amigo brothers?

the resolution of the story is when felix and Antonio leave the fight and stay friends

When the main conflict is resolved is it name exposition?

No, the resolution of the main conflict in a story is not called exposition. Exposition is the beginning of a story where background information is provided to set the stage for the plot. The resolution is the part of the story where the conflict is resolved and the outcome becomes clear.