

What is the conflict in the battle that Indian chief Cochise was in?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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chief cochise fought in the following wars..

-Apache War

-Bascom Affair

-Battle of Cooke's Canyon

-Battle of the Florida Mountains


-Battle of Dragoon Mountains

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Q: What is the conflict in the battle that Indian chief Cochise was in?
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What battle did Cochise take part in?

Cochise was an Apache Chief who lived from 1805-1874. He fought in many battles but is famed for his part in the Battle of Apache Pass.

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Type your answer here... he's an Indian Chief of the Apache.look here a John Wayne Western!!

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Sheriff of Cochise - 1956 Bandit Chief 1-21 was released on: USA: 15 February 1957

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Which time? You have Geronimo, Cochise, Mangus, and numerous others.