

What is the conjugate base for acid Iodine?

Updated: 4/4/2022
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8y ago

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Assuming you are asking about the base I-, the conjugate acid is HI, hydroiodic acid. Since hydroiodic acid is a strong acid, it can be concluded that iodide (I-) is a weak conjugate base.

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Ellen Funk

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Q: What is the conjugate base for acid Iodine?
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When an acid is strong, its conjugate base will be weak, and vice versa. Similarly, when a base is strong, its conjugate acid will be weak, and when a base is weak, its conjugate acid will be strong. This relationship is known as the principle of conjugate pairs in acid-base reactions.

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Conjugate acid of H2O?

The conjugate acid of H2O is H3O+ (hydronium ion). When an acid donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base, and when a base accepts a proton, it forms its conjugate acid.

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The strength of a weak acid is inversely related to the strength of its conjugate base. If an acid is weak, its conjugate base will be stronger because the weaker the acid, the more easily it will give up its proton to form the conjugate base. Conversely, a stronger acid will have a weaker conjugate base.

How does an base differ from its conjugate acid?

A base can accept a proton (H+) to form its conjugate acid, while a conjugate acid can donate a proton to form its corresponding base. The conjugate acid of a base will have one additional proton compared to the base, while the base of a conjugate acid will have one fewer proton.

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An acid that forms when a base gains a proton?

The acid formed when a base gains a proton is called a conjugate acid of the base. This process is known as protonation, where the base accepts a proton to become an acid. The conjugate acid will have one more proton than the base.

What is the formula of the conjugate acid for base SO4?

The conjugate acid of the base SO4 is HSO4- (bisulfate ion). The formula for the conjugate acid can be determined by adding a proton (H+) to the base molecule.