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Aquifers can't support the weight of overlying structures.

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Q: What is the consequence of removing water from aquifers?
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Related questions

Why does removing too much water from aquifers result in substance?

removing too much water from aquifers can result in subsidence because the

Is water found in aquifers ground or surface water?

Aquifers are groundwater.

What is the typical source for well water?

Underground aquifers are the commonest source for well water.Underground aquifers are the commonest source.

How are aquifers like water filled sponges?

Aquifers absorb water the same way that sponges do. However, aquifers are actually permeable rocks that lay underground and soak up moisture.

What is the source of water in aquifers?


What source of the water in aquifers?


What is the water source in aquifers?


What causes the depletion of the water in aquifers?

Water in aquifers depletes when people use the water faster than its replenishment rate. Some water is also lost due to evaporation.

How does humans pollute aquifers?

Humans pollute aquifers by dumping pollutants such as chemicals and fertilizers into the water sources.

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How are Aquifers formed?

Aquifers are formed when water chips away at the limestone causing holes to appear. The water then flows through the holes making them bigger.

Are aquifers important?

An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. It is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well. Aquifers are important in human habitation and agriculture. Deep aquifers in arid areas have long been water sources for irrigation. Many villages and even large cities draw their water supply from wells in aquifers.