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Placticity is the consistency.

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Q: What is the consistency of the lower mantle?
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What layer of the earth is immediately below the crust?

It is the upper and lower mantle. It has the consistency of warm asphalt.

What is the lower layer of the mantle called?

The mesosphere

How can scientists infer the consistency of the earths mantle?

They can do this by how and how quickly seismic waves can move through the mantle.

What is above the lower mantle?

The middle mantle is just above the lower mantle.

What is the lower part of the mantle callet?

The Lower Mantle

What is the lower mantle beneath?

The lower mantle is beneath the crust.

What are the part of the mantle?

The upper mantle and the lower mantle.

Will consistency lower your golf score?

Yes. Consistency is the absolute key to lower golf scores.

What is the Difference between the upper and lower mantle?

Working outwards from the centre: The Earth is believed to be formed of an inner core, outer core, inner mantle, outer mantle, and the crust. The mantle is two thousand miles thick and makes up more than three-quarters of the Earth's volume.

Why is the lower mantle more rigid and dense then the asthenosphere in the upper mantle?

The lower mantle is older and cooler than the upper mantle. Thank you for reading this I'm comment if you like one direction(: hehe

What is the difference between between the lower and upper mantle?

The upper mantle is harder than the lower mantle

Where is the lower mantle in the inside earth?

Well there is the crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and the inner core. So, the lower mantle is the 3rd one down.