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Q: What is the constitution ratified date of Connecticut?
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When was the date that Utah ratified the constitution?

The constitution of Utah was enacted in 1895.

What is the date that the current Constitution of Wyoming was ratified?

It was ratified in November of 1889 and has been amended 91 times.

What were the names of the origanal thirteen states?

The Names of the Original Thirteen Colonies if they were put into order would be,: Virginia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New Jersey, South Carolina and Georgia. Jon McMullen FireFighter

What date was the constitution completed and signed?

The United States Constitution was ratified on September 17th, 1787.

Which colony wrote its own constitution?

Individual colonies didn't have "constitutions." Eventually, the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1787.

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When did Connecticut ratify the constitution?

New Hampshire ratified the US Constitution on June 21, 1788. New Hampshire was the 9th state to be admitted to the Union.

What date did virgina and New York ratify the constituiton?

June 25, 1788 was the date that Virginia ratified the U. S. Constitution. New York ratified it on June 26, 1788.

State that ratified the constitution?

The first state that ratified the Constitution was Delaware. Next was Pennsylvania, followed by New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island.

When was that constitution ratified?

u.s. constitution was ratified on September 17, 1787

When was the Constitution ratified at the convention?

The Constitution was ratified December 7, 1787.