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Q: What is the continued proliferation and decay and bleeding of endometrial tissue in pelvic and abdominal cavities?
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Related questions

What are some of the possible symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia?

Some of the possible symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia are acne, mood swings, hot flashes, excessive body hair growth, and rapid heart rate. Severe symptoms that need immediate care are rapid heart rate, fainting, or severe abdominal pain.

What complications can follow an endometrial biopsy?

Some bleeding may result afterwards.

What is the purpose of an endometrial biopsy?

Endometrial biopsy is used to check the health of uterine tissue in women who have unusually heavy bleeding, this test should be performed by the physician.

What is the definition of endometrial cancer?

It is a cancer that is around the lining of a Uterus. That is also called the Entometrium. If you are having abnormal uterin bleeding, that is a possible symptom of endometrial cancer.

Is the endometrial biopsy necessary if you have already gone through menopause have a normal Pap Smear and are not experiencing any pain?

If you have bleeding after menopause, an endometrial biopsy is necessary.

Can a endometrial biopsy be performed during heavy bleeding?

Yes, although it is an uncomfortable situation for the patient, AA endometrial biopsy can be taken even when a women is on her full cycle.

What's the definition of Endometrial Cancer?

It is a cancer that is around the lining of a Uterus. That is also called the Entometrium. If you are having abnormal uterin bleeding, that is a possible symptom of endometrial cancer.

What is dysmenorhea?

heavy bleeding do to abdominal cramps

What is abdominal Pv with moderate pv bleeding?

Abdominal Pv stands for abdominal paracentesis. It is a procedure to remove excess fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Moderate PV bleeding refers to moderate blood loss from a blood vessel in the abdomen during or after the procedure. It is important to monitor and manage the bleeding to prevent complications.

Why is an Endometrial biopsy done?

The test is most often performed to find out the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding.

What following procedure is commonly performed to determine the cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

Often an endometrial biopsy is done to determine the cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Why is abdominal ultrasound used after abdominal trauma is suspected?

internal bleeding from injured abdominal organs is often the most serious threat to survival. Neither the injuries nor the bleeding may be immediately apparent. Ultrasound is very useful as an initial scan when abdominal trauma is suspected