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Q: What is the continuous storm in Jupiter?
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What is the name of the planet that has the red eye and continuous storm?


In Jupiter's eye can it have a storm?

It is a storm.

A giant storm on Jupiter?

The 'red spot' on Jupiter is a huge storm twice the size of Earth. == ==

What is the huge red spot on Jupiter?

A storm in Jupiter's atmosphere.

What is so special about Jupiter?

Jupiter is interesting because it youst to have a storm and now its not on Jupiter.

What is a large swirling gas storm on Jupiter?

A lopta storm

Does Jupiter have a storm spot?

Yes, it does.

If Jupiter is made of gases why doesn't it explode when there is a storm there?

because there is no lightning on Jupiter

What made that big red spot on Jupiter?

it is a storm that is always happening in jupiter

What planet has the Great Red Spot and what do scientists believe it to be?

The planet is Jupiter and the Great Red Spot is a storm in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

What are the three facts about Jupiter?

Jupiter has a big storm Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun

How much stronger is Jupiter's storm than earth's storm?

a lot stronger