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Domestic terrorism is treated differently from international terrorism because the causal factors and operational methodology are inherently different.

Domestic terrorism (per se, as "terrorism" is not easily defined), most often has a strong, defined (if sometimes ridiculous) political agenda. The International flavor may also, but in the 21st century typically does not. The majority of Middle-East causes, for instance, lend a nod to both religion and political aspects, but in truth are neither. E.G. the fall of Western capitalism isn't a reasonable short term goal. And oddly. most middle-eastern terrorists are surprisingly ignorant of their own religions. Most often, these religions bear a closer sociological similarity to US street gangs, more than they do to a political or religious extremist organization.

Domestic (US at least) terrorists are different. They're often motivated by comparatively modest (if still impractical and unobtainable) political agenda. Often, they'll clearly announce what their goals are. And there's almost never a strong, cohesive religious agenda.

Domestic terrorist groups also are comparatively well assimilated into their own society, whereas foreign terrorists always are less-so, and sometimes are not at all. For instances, two of the 9/11 hijackers, when in flight school, were offended that the school required them to communicate during flight in English, the international language of flight. This attitude, while understandable and appropriate for Saudi Arabia was completely ridiculous here. Timothy McVeigh, certainly not a sophisticate, still would have had no problem with this, as he was much more acclimated to American culture. As such, all other factors being equal, domestic terrorists are more effective in their home country than their foreign counterparts.

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12y ago

The terms of foreign and domestic terrorism are used to define whether the culprit is from Another Country or it is a citizen involved in the act. For example we have the Oklahoma bomb as an domestic attack and the September eleven attacks as foreign terrorism.

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10y ago

Domestic terrorism is the kind where people in the country are doing the violence. International terrorism is when those from other countries commit acts of terrorism.

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