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Q: What is the cooler area of the photosphere?
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Related questions

What is the sunspot on the sun?

areas of cooler gases in the photosphere.

Are sunspots hotter or colder regions of the sun?

No, sunspots are cooler than the photosphere.

Why do some areas of the photosphere cooler than surrounding areas?

because of you

Why do spots appear dark?

Spots appear dark because they are much cooler than the surrounding area. They are still very hot, but not as much as the rest of the Photosphere.

Why do some areas of the photosphere become cooler than surroundings areas?

because of you

Which layer of the Sun's atmosphere contains the cooler low-density gas?

The photosphere.

When does a photospheres appear black?

The photosphere of the sun looks black when it is much cooler than the surrounding region.

In which layer of the sun does granulation occur?

A grainy cloud like substance that comes from the convection area under the photosphere.

Why do sunspots look darker than the rest of the sun's photosphere?

Because just like in a fire Sunspots a cooler than the rest of the surface, and as in a fire the cooler spots appear darker.

An area seen as dark spot on the photosphere of sun?

A "sunspot."

Layer of the sun from which sunlight comes?


What are the dark areas in the photosphere associated with an 11 year cycle?

sunspots... Dark cooler area on the sun often increase during all 11yr cycle