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Q: What is the correct sequence of tests for locating faults?
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Which is correct some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids or some athletes have took drugs tests to prove they are not on steroids?

"have taken" is correct

What is the correct answer for correct?

"To correct" means to make something right, or in terms of marking tests, to mark what is wrong. The correct answer means the answer that is right or proper.

How is a herniated disk diagnosed?

Several radiographic tests are useful for confirming a diagnosis of disk herniation and locating the source of pain. These tests also help the surgeon indicate the extent of the surgery needed to fully decompress the nerve. X rays show.

What is a correct sentence with lipid?

His doctor ordered some lab tests, including a lipid panel and thyroid-function tests.

In the sentence. Some athletes have taken or has took drugs tests to prove they are not on steroids. Which is correct?

The first is almost correct. It should be, "Some athletes have taken drug tests to prove they are not on steroids." That is, "have taken" is the correct form, but it should also be "drug tests" rather than "drugs tests". "Have taken" is the correct form because "have" is the plural form, and "athletes" is plural. The singular form is "has taken", so it would be correct to say "One athlete has taken drug tests to prove he is not on steroids." Always use the past participle "taken" and not the simple past tense "took" in forms that use a form of the auxiliary verb "have": have taken, had taken, has taken, would have taken, and so on.

What is grammatically correct you took a test or you gave a test?

"You took a test" is grammatically correct. "You gave a test" would mean that you were the one administering the test to someone else.

Is this sentence correct Some athletes have took drug tests to prove they are not on steroids?

It should be: 'Some athletes took drug tests to proove they were not on steroids'

How many pregnancy tests do you have to take to be correct?

one will work but you can take as many as you want

What is the scoring for ACT tests?

ACT tests are scored up to 36. You get point fr every answer you get correct. And, you are not penalized for any questions that you get wrong, like on the SAT.

How is disk herniation diagnosed?

Several radiographic tests are useful for confirming a diagnosis of disk herniation and locating the source of pain. X rays show structural changes of the lumbar spine. Myelography is a special

You have been having pregnancy symptoms- but your PT tests are negative-Could you still be pregnant?

Yes it is called a positive negative and the tests are only 99.998 precent correct

Convert 3.7 kilograms to grams?

3000.7 i got a one hundred on one of my tests and it was correct