If that is the correct spelling, it is not Gaelic.
In Scottish Gaelic it is spelled Mòrag.
Easáias (from the Irish Bible); Isaiah in Scottish Gaelic.
duine as Óileáin Sgitheanach / Albanach
The correct spelling is Gaelic (Scottish or Irish dialects).
The spelling doesn't appear to be correct.
Irish (Gaelic): Éirinn go brách (aer'-rin guh brawch) Scottish Gaelic: ...
In Irish it's "Uilliam" In Scottish Gaelic: Uilleam; Liam is more common in Irish.
It appears there is no Irish or Scottish Gaelic version of Genevieve. It would remain the same.
A phonetic spelling is Miséil in Irish Gaelic, but Michelle is also used.
slaandjivaa ("to your health" essentially)