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Q: What is the correct time of sun reaching the equator and begning of the spring of year 2019?
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What is the temperature during spring?

Depends where you are. Spring at the poles are still cold. Spring in the desert at the equator is hot.

Is the sun directly overhead in the equator?

Not always. The sun is directly overhead at the equator at the spring and fall equinoxes.

What season is in November?

If you are in the northern hemisphere (i.e. north of the equator), then November is in the autumn. If you are south of the equator, then November is in the spring.

Where are the suns rays most direct during spring and fall?

During Spring (Vernal Equinox) - March 20th or 21st = Equator During Fall (Fall Equinox) - September 22nd and 23rd = Equator (Yeah, the sun's rays are most direct on the equator during Spring and Fall) especially the days I mentioned above. The Equinox's

What two days is the sun directly on the Equator?

The spring and autumn equinox.

Why Autumn and spring are warm seasons?

because when they move they are closer to the equator

The Sun crosses the celestial equator going north This is known as the spring?


The length of the days and nights is equal at the?

At the Equator at the two Equinoxes, Spring and Fall.

Latitude line that the sun crosses to start spring?

Zero latitude -- the equator

When is the spring?

The spring equinox or the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is in March. It is the time of the year when the Sun crosses directly over the Earth's equator.

How high does the sun get on the spring equinox on the equator?

90 degrees above the horizon (the zenith).

When the Sun's rays strike earth directly at the equator what two seasons is it?
