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Q: What is the correct way to analyze a term that means softening of the cartilage?
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What is bicompartmental chondromalacia?

Chondromalacia is abnormal softening of cartilage of the joints. Bicompartmental means relating to two compartments and is normally used referring to something in both the inside and the outside of the knee (the medial and lateral compartments). So I would assume that bicompartmental chondromalacia is abnormal softening of the cartilage of both the inside and outside of the knee. Hope this has helped.

What is Softening of the vertebrae?

Chondromalacia means the softening of the vertebral joint (or of any bone).

What is the term that means softening of bone?

osteomalcia is the abnormal softening of bones in adults.Osteomalacia

What does the medical terminology combining form -malacia mean?

-malacia means softening, so tracheomalacia is softening of the windpipe, and osteomalacia is softening of bones.

What is spinal myelomalacia?

malacia means softening myel means bone marrow

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the softening of the spinal cord?

Meningomalacia; meningo refers to the meninges and -malacia means the abnormal softening of, so the literal definition is meninges, the abnormal softening of.meningomalaciaMeningomalaciameningomalacia

What is chondroosteal?

Chondro- means cartilage and oste- means bone. Chondroosteal means related to cartilage and bone.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning abnormal softening?

Malacia (or suffix: -malacia) means any abnormal softening of tissue.

A sentence for analyze?

She needs time to analyze the data before reaching any conclusions.

What arteriomalacia means?

Is the abnormal softening of the walls of an artery or arteries

What does the suffix of Malacia mean?

malacia means softening, or loss of consistency, of an organ or tissue.

What exactly does it mean to shatter your cartilage?

To "shatter" cartilage means to rip or tear it.