

Best Answer

1) pur the liner on the inner edge of the bottom lid of your eye.

2) run it accross the bottom layer three times

3) do the same for the top

always make sure your eyeliner is sharp and doesnt smudge your eye. also be carefull not to stab yourselfe

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Q: What is the correct way to put on eyeliner?
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Does eyeliner make your eyes wrinkly?

No,it does not UNLESS you pull your eye to put eyeliner on but as far as i know eyeliner its self does not make your eye wrinkly

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Yes, you can. Do it slowly .

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K so these are the steps. . .1. Put your eyeliner on the top and bottom of your eyes(you can so it lightly or put alot on either way)2. Put eye shadow on that will either match you eyeliner of black, or the color of your eyes.3. Put mascara on how over you do it!Then you put your make up on like Kristen Stewart!!!

What can we use instead of an eyeliner brush?

If you want to put eyeliner on your bottom lash line, I suggest pencil eyeliner. And if you want to put eyeliner on your top lashes, use liquid eyeliner because it lasts longer, but you need practice and a steady hand for it to come out good (:

Pencil eyeliner and mechicanical eyeliner?

mechicanical, that way you dont have to mess with the messy job of sharpening :)

Is felt tip eyeliner better than regular eyeliner?

Sometimes it can be if you want the eyeliner to be clean cut and perfect. Regualer eyeliner is great for smokey eye looks. Either way both or good, even liquid eyeliner

Why do girls put on eyeliner and what do their mothers do to teach them about it?

Girls generally put on makeup to enhance their features. Eyeliner helps make the eyes look more open and awake. Mothers usually introduce make-up to their daughter's by starting off with mascara then guide them on how to put on eyeliner.

What are some popular eyeliner styles in the US?

There are a few popular eyeliner styles in the US. These include: simple retro-style liquid eyeliner, smoky eyes, V-shaped eyeliner application, all the way around eyeliner style.

Best method of eye liner, and best color?

Line and define your way to gorgeous eyes with pencil, waterproof or liquid eyeliner. Choose from a selection of eyeliner today at Line and define your way to gorgeous eyes with pencil, waterproof or liquid eyeliner. Choose from a selection of eyeliner today at

How do you put on eyeliner without your eyelashes getting in the way?

You could use a Q tip (cotton bud) and gently dip it in makeup remover and then pull the area under your eye and as if you're applying eyeliner, use the same 'movements' to get rid of the eyeliner with the cotton bud. sorry, I hope this makes sense to you

Do you put eyeliner from down?

if you mean on you bottom lid, then yes.