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I do not have real-time data on the specific crime rate for Lake Wildwood in Macon, Georgia. I recommend contacting the local police department or checking online resources such as the Macon-Bibb County Sheriff's Office website for the most up-to-date crime statistics.

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What was the crime rate in 1930s?

The crime rate in the 1930s varied by location, but overall, the Great Depression contributed to an increase in certain types of crimes such as theft, robbery, and bootlegging. The 1930s also saw a rise in organized crime, particularly due to the prohibition of alcohol.

What is thesis statement of crime rate?

The thesis statement of a paper on crime rate could be: "Crime rates are influenced by a variety of social, economic, and environmental factors, and understanding these influences is crucial for developing effective strategies for crime prevention and reduction."

What is the crime rate in Thailand?

The crime rate in Thailand varies depending on the type of crime and location. Overall, Thailand has seen a decrease in the crime rate in recent years, but travelers are advised to exercise caution, especially in tourist areas where scams and petty theft can occur. It's always a good idea to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions when traveling to any destination.

Why are crime rates expressed as a rate per 100000 population?

Crime rates are often expressed as a rate per 100,000 population to standardize comparisons between areas with different population sizes. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the prevalence of crime in a given area and helps to account for differences in population sizes when analyzing trends or patterns in crime data.

What is the crime rate on Canvey island?

Crime rates can vary over time and depending on the specific location on Canvey Island. It is best to check with local law enforcement or official crime statistics for the most current information on crime rates in that area.