

What is the culture of Ghana?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The culture of Ghana is traditional have to do with the dealings their ancestors.

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interesting facts about Ghana was that matter of fact their was star wars in Ghana and Darth vaders grave is their with his light saberThere is a place called Apam in Ghana's central!

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this is not a relation ship question... move it!

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Culture is the arts, education, attitudes, morals, and beliefs of people who live in a region. Environment can affect the culture of people and how they live by developing distinct ways of life because of limited outside sources influencing the way of life. In Ghana the people are very traditional and have limited outside influence on their culture.

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Religion, language, and disease culture were exchanged in trade. It help them use written language to positions of power in Ghana's government. Also, traditional belief.

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Religion, language, and disease culture were exchanged in trade. It help them use written language to positions of power in Ghana's government. Also, traditional belief.

Was Ghana an African culture before 1500?

HELL YEA it wasn't slave slaughterhouses

Which aspect of their culture did the Moroccan Almoravids spread to the Ghana Empire?

ok wel maybe uhm brainky can help u

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The Ghana civilization was an ancient African civilization, they were known for their profound gold amounts in the ruins.

How did the colonization of the British change Ghana?

Britian brought a lot of it's culture to Ghana itself which affected the countries long term history culturally. Britain also had an influence in the Government of Ghana after Ghana was decolonized and became a country once again. Had the British not colonized Ghana, the country would have continued to be a kingdom form of goverment apposed to the constitutional decomcracy it is currently.