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The national divorce rate in the US is 50%. Statistics are not uniformly recorded by type of marriage- same sex or heterosexual. It is also too soon for reliable statistics to be reported. However, Massachusetts was the first states to recognize same sex marriage. Massachusetts also has the lowest divorce rate in the country. That did not change after same sex marriage became part of the norm.

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Q: What is the current divorce rate for same sex marriages in the US?
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What is the divorce rate for interracial marriages?

About the same as other marriages.

What is the divorce rate for same-sex marriages?

The divorce rate for same-sex marriages is generally lower than that of opposite-sex marriages. Research suggests that factors such as societal acceptance, legal barriers, and relationship dynamics contribute to this difference. However, divorce rates can vary depending on factors such as location, age, and length of marriage.

What is the divorce rate of Catholic marriages?

In the early 21st century, the divorce rate for most Catholic marriages is about the same as non-Catholic marriages - 50% or so, UNLESS they are practicing natural family planning (in other words, living as God intended them to) in which case the divorce rate is between 0.2% and 3%.

Should lesbian marriage be legal?

Yes, same-sex marriage should be legal. There really is no reason why not. There are people who say that it makes marriage worth less but same-sex marriages only have half the divorce rate as straight marriages.

What is the divorce rate of those who call themselves Swingers and how does it compare to the population at large for the same time period?

The difference of the divorce rate of "swinger" couples in contrast to more orthodox marriages is negligle.The average rate for divorces nationally is nearly 50 %,slightly less internationally.

What are same-sex marriages and how are they working?

Same-sex marriages are marriages in which both parties belong to the same sex. States and countries that have legalized same-sex marriage have not reported any problems relating to them. In fact, early studies show that the divorce rate is lower among same-sex married couples than opposite-sex married couples. ----------- Please check out this helpful link: Thank you.

Can lesbians get a divorce in VA?

To get a divorce the state first has to recognize the validity of the marriage. As Virginia does not currently recognize same-sex marriages, it is doubtful that one could obtain a legal same-sex divorce there.

How many people get married each year in the UK?

According to rate in the United States * In 1998 2.2 million couples married and 1.1 million couples divorced. * In 2000 58 million couples were married, yet separated. * In 2000 there were over 21 million divorces.Divorce rate United States * People between the ages of 25 to 39 make up 60% of all divorces. * Over one million children are affected by divorce each year. * Approximately 1/3 of divorced parents remain bitter and hostile several years after the divorce.DiDivorce rate United States vorce Statistics United States * In 1990 the average female age for re-marriage after divorce was 30.6 years; for males, 33.7 years of age.Divorce rate United States * In 1990 the average female age for a second divorce was 37.3 years; for males, 40.4 years of age.Divorce rate United States * More people are part of second marriages today than first marriages. * One-quarter of all Americans have experienced at least one divorce. Divorce rate is generally calculated by comparing the number of divorces with the number of marriages in a given time period.* In the United States in 1999 there were 8.4 marriages and 4.2 divorces per 1,000 total population. Divorce rate United States * Thus it can be seen that in 1999 there was one divorce for every two marriages in the United States, a "crude" divorce rate of 50%. The Rutgers National Marriage Project ( bases their review of divorce trends on the number of marriages per 1000 unmarried women 15 years of age or older, and the number of divorces per 1000 married women in the same age bracket. Divorce rate United States *

Does Ohio recognize marriages performed out of state for an Ohio resident?

Of course! It is a requirement of the US Constitution, that states recognize the actions of the other states. Marriage and divorce are key ones. One important exception is same-sex marriages. Ohio does not recognize same-sex marriages performed out-of-state.

Will same-sex marriages end before traditional marriages?

There is no such thing as traditional marriage, since marriage comes from many different wordwide traditions. Also, there aren't any long-term statistics yet available for same-sex divorce.

Will the birth rate go down if same-sex marriage is legalized?

It's very unlikely. Straight people are unlikely to jump at the chance of leaving their heterosexual marriages and rush have gay marriages. This is not a useful argument.

Why is California's Proposition 8 the best choice?

It's not. The claim is, same-sex marriage threatens "traditional" marriage. I believe Divorce threatens traditional marriage more than same-sex marriage does, and there are studies (one of the more infamous ones was done by Barna Research Group) that show there is a direct correlation between religion and divorce rate....sadly, the more strident your religious views are, the more likely you are to go through a divorce. Barna found the group he refers to as "non-denominational," which here means Christians, mostly fundamentalist Christians, who are not aligned with a specific Christian tradition, have the highest divorce rate of all at 34 percent. He also discovered 29 percent of Baptists have been divorced, 25 percent of mainline Protestants, 21 percent of Catholics and Lutherans, and shockingly 21 percent of "agnostics and Atheists." (It's only shocking because the rate is so low.) I think the only "traditional" marriages that would be threatened by the existence of same-sex marriages are marriages that never should have happened in the first place.