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Q: What is the current rate of rainforest deforestation?
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What is Rainforest Deforestation?

the destruction of rainforest.

What is the likely cause of the current increase rate of extinction?

Deforestation, because most of animal species live in the rainforest but it is getting cut down so animals get closer to extinction. Like the jaguar.

Is there any deforestation?

yes there is quite a lot of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.

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Deforestation affected the world's rainforest's?


Has the rate of deforestation increased over the past years?

rate of deforestation

What group is most responsible for the deforestation of the rainforest?


What do people do to save ocelots?

they stop the deforestation of the rainforest.

What do loggers think about the rainforest deforestation?

They benefit greatly from the deforestation of the amazon as they sell the trees to make money

What is it called when large areas of rainforest are cut down?


What is the most direct method for combating rainforest deforestation?
