

What is the dark matter one can see in the brain?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The dark matter one can see in the brain is known as glial cells. It is now thought that one type of the glial cells, the astrocyte may be involved in information processing.

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Q: What is the dark matter one can see in the brain?
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How many dark matter can scientists see?

By definition, "dark" (look up what that word means!) matter can not be seen.

Is it true dark matter cannot be seen?

Yes this is true. We have recently discovered dark matter exists with the help of the Hadron particle collider, but can not see dark matter. (not yet any way)

Is dark matter Solid liquid or gas?

We do not know as we have not found any dark matter to examine. The only way we detect it and know it exists is due to its gravitational attraction of the ordinary matter we can see. One speculation when neutrinos were discovered to have tiny nonzero masses was that dark matter might be neutrinos. Another speculation is that dark matter is only ordinary matter, but its in another separate universe in a shared higher dimensional spacetime. Nobody knows.

How do atronomers detect dark matter?

Gravity. We cannot see or directly detect "dark matter", and the only reason why astronomers talk about "dark matter" is that galaxies like the Milky Way appear to be spinning too fast for gravity to hold them together. Or at least, for the gravity of the mass that we can SEE to hold them together. Gravity comes from matter, and we can't see enough matter, so it must be "dark matter". This may be in the form of trillions of invisibly-dim brown dwarf stars, or in black holes from which no light ever escapes - or it may be something entirely new. "Dark matter" is the something new.

Who found dark matter?

No one has discovered dark matter. Dark matter is a concept to explain the rotation of galaxies. We simply do not know what it is and where it is. When we looked at nearby spiral galaxies astronomers could not explain how individual stars could be moving so fast. If you add all the mass of the material we can see or infer the gravity should not be able to hold the stars in orbit. They should be streaming off. Dark matter was invented to explain this. The theory suggest that 60 to 90% of the matter in the galaxy needs to this strange dark matter.

Does anyone no if you have proof dark matter exists?

The clear answer is, we don't. We cannot detect the hypothetical "dark matter", and the only reason we are talking about "dark matter" is that we cannot actually see enough mass in the Milky Way galaxy to account for the gravity that we know must be there - because the Milky Way would fly apart with only the mass that we can see. The "dark matter" may be in the form of invisibly-dim brown dwarf stars, or black holes, or "something else". Dark matter is the "something else". Everything you read about dark matter is a guess.

What do you call light that you cant see?

well dum brain you call it dark duu

What shape is dark matter?

A lot of it is probably more or less spherical. You see, "dark Matter," as distinguished from "dark Energy," which is really mysterious, is mostly just ordinary matter, which we can't see because it isn't lighted, either by nearby stars or its own heat. There could be numberless dark worlds out there just cruising through space; alternatively, dark matter could be finer than dust. The only thing we can say for sure is that there's a lot of it.

What if dark Matter is Time It Does not escape a black hole?

If all thing things pass through a worm hole. We have dark matter all over. How can it not past through a singletary. If you take all that we know about time. We always had a missing pieces. Ok, no more bull I believe that Dark Matter is Time . Matter flows into the center of a black hole and we know that nothing can escape. But we have too know that Dark Matter has too also have to go through the black hole. What if we look at Black Matter as a part /or time it self. We can't say that we know what Dark Matter is. We can't say what Time is. What if they were both the same. We know that they can not be Separated. I believe one day that it's from a Black Hole that we will see the Time distortion between Dark Matter and a Gravity Well. Remember Dark Matter is Matter. We can't see it right now. Just like Time. But who's to say there not the same.

What's the dark matter in the universe?

Dark matter is matter of an unknown type. It is known to exist, due to its gravitational influence, but it is not known what it is made of. There is at least 5 times as much dark matter than "normal" matter.

What is it mean when you see demons in the dark?

it means that you are going crazy something must not be working in your brain

What is the use of dark matter?

Dark matter is sort of a cosmic scaffolding, holding galaxies together through sheer abundance, and since it only interacts with matter gravitationally, you cannot see it, and nor can you detect it....yet.