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Q: What is the day when we should fasting on shahbaan?
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Is it ok to break fast in Ramadan at noon if you are pregnant and not feeling well?

The pregnant is exempted from fasting Ramadan if she feels difficulty or finds harm when fasting. In return, for every day not keeping fasting in she should give as a charity to the poor what is equivalent to full day meals.

What are the fasting requirements for a PTH test?

The patient should have nothing to eat or drink from midnight of the day of the test.

How can you lose 5 pounds fasting for one day?

You cannot lose 5 pounds by fasting for one day.

Do you have to be fasting to take the pregnancy sugar test?

The initial test, usually done at 28 weeks does not require that you are fasting. You should eat normally the day of the test. If that test is abnormal then you will have to do a Fasting Glucose Tolerance Test over 3 hours.

How do you feel better after fasting?

you should drink a lot after fasting

I'm fasting and in Sweden..can you give me the time span for the fasting day?

From sunrise to sunset

To the pilgrims Fasting Day and thanksgiving Day were?

days to feast

What foods should you eat if you are fasting for 40 days and 40 nights?

If you are fasting, you do not eat.

How long is the fasting in id al fitre?

There is no fasting on the Eid ul-Fitr as that is the one-day holiday (the first day of the month of Shawwal) Muslims celebrate. For the previous 29 or 30 days, Muslims were fasting for the entire month of Ramadan. When the new moon is sighted at the end of the month of Ramadan, Muslims will celebrate the next day as the Eid ul-Fitr. On that day all fasting is forbidden.

How do you lose weight in day?

Fasting, excercise and diet

Can you take tablets during fasting in Ramadan?

No, if you are fasting, then you cannot take tablets because your fast will break. However, if you are required to take tablets, then it is not obligatory for you to fast. When you do not have to take tablets anymore, then you will have to make up for that fast on another day or days.For more details:Fasting in Ramadan requires that you refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, or practicing sex during the fasting period. The fasting period is the daytime period from just before dawn until sunset. Accordingly, if you are fasting you are not allowed to take tablets during the fasting period.However, you have to ask the physician, who is prescribing the medical treatment, to arrange tablet taking hours to be within the non-fasting period (that is the evening time from just after sunset until just before dawn). If this is not possible, then you are allowed not to fast for the days you should take the tablets. Then you should compensate for these non-fasting days by fasting equal number of days as soon as possible after recovery. If taking tablets is for lifetime medical treatment, then for each non-fasting Ramadan day you have to give charity to the poor or needy people equivalent to the cost of your normal meals of one full day.

Is a 10 day fast dangerous?

Depends on how good you are at it. If you are used to it daily or weekly fasting, you should be fine. I would start with one week.