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Q: What is the deep socket in the hip bone where the femur is attached known as?
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Femur and humerus are what shape?

The femur is the biggest bone in the body and is known as the thigh bone in common terms. The humerus is the bone that is attached to The scapula by the glenohumeral joint.

What are the structure of the femur?

The structure of femur include a ball-and-socket synovial joint. It is a round, cup-shaped structure on the hip bone known as the acetabulum.

What is the thighbone also known as?

The femur. It is the largest, heaviest bone in the body.

What is the longest bone in the body?

The Femur in the ThighThe femur is the longest bone in the human body; it is located in the thigh. It is also known as the thigh bone (Femur is the technical word).

What is another name for thigh bone?

the femur is also known as the thigh bone

Deep socket in the coxal bone that receives the head of the femur?


The coxal bone's cuplike socket for the head of the femur is called the?


Example of a ball and socket?

the pelvic bone and the top of the femur bone. also your shoulder and the top of your arm bone.

What is the scientific thigh bone name?

The thigh bone is known as the femur, and is the strongest and longest bone in the human body.

What if you have no femur?

You'd fall over, or at least have to hop. The femur is the bone in your upper leg, otherwise known as the thigh bone. The femur is the largest and strongest bone in the human body. If a femur is damaged, by trauma or disease, a femur prosthesis (artifical femur bone) can be implanted.

What type of joint does the femur and hip bone create?

ball and socket joint

Where is the longest bone in the human body that articulates with the coxal bone?

The coxal bone is part of the hip joint.The longest bone in the body is the femur, thigh bone, which is a ball and socket joint with the hip joint or coxal bone.