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Q: What is the defense mechanism that blocks unacceptable impulses from becoming into awareness?
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What is a defense mechanism that involves pushing threatening impulses out of conscious awareness?


George gets into basketball and the debate team during adolescence in order to deal with his hormonal impulses frued would say he's employing a defense mechanism called?

Sublimation. According to Freud, sublimation is the process of redirecting socially unacceptable impulses into more socially acceptable behaviors. In this case, George is channeling his aggressive and competitive impulses into positive outlets like basketball and debate team.

What is sublimation according to Freud?

According to Freud, sublimation is a defense mechanism where individuals channel their unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable behaviors, such as creativity or productivity. This process allows individuals to satisfy their desires in a more constructive way, reducing anxiety and maintaining psychological balance.

Psychological conflicts and unacceptable impulses lie deep within the unconscious mind according to the school of psychology known as?

psycho-dynamic psychology

Why does sublimation help with role taking?

Sublimation is a psychological defense mechanism where one redirects unacceptable impulses into more socially acceptable activities. In the context of role taking, sublimation can help individuals channel their emotions and desires into productive role-play scenarios, leading to a more constructive and beneficial outcome. This allows for the exploration of different perspectives and roles in a safe and controlled environment.

The suggestion that dissociative identity disorder symptoms are created as defenses against the anxiety caused by one's own unacceptable impulses best illustrates the?

psychoanalytic perspective

Mechanism of nerve conduction?

Nerve impulses are conducted along the axon in the myelinated nerve fiber with causes the polarity of the nerve.

What makes skeletal muscles move?

The nervous system produces electrical impulses which make muscles move through a sliding filament mechanism.

What is the purpose of a defense mechanism from the psychodynamic perspective?

Defense mechanisms are unconscious strategies used by the ego to manage internal conflicts and reduce anxiety. According to the psychodynamic perspective, defense mechanisms protect the individual from experiencing distressing thoughts or feelings by distorting reality or shifting unacceptable impulses from the conscious mind to the unconscious. In this way, defense mechanisms help the individual maintain psychological equilibrium and cope with inner conflicts.

How does deadpool know he's in a comic book?

Deadpool's brain regenerates causing random impulses, which also allows him to posses a profound cosmic awareness that allows him to break the fourth wall.

The minds defenses against its own unconscious wishes and impulses?

The mind uses defense mechanisms such as repression, denial, and projection to protect itself from experiencing anxiety or distress caused by unconscious desires or impulses. These defense mechanisms help to keep unwanted thoughts or feelings out of conscious awareness.

Why electrical impulses are referred to as neural impulses?

Electrical impulses are referred to as neural impulses because a neural impulse cause electrical impulses. Neurons use electrical impulses to send messages.