

What is the definition Celsius?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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8y ago

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of or denoting a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° under standard conditions.

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Q: What is the definition Celsius?
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What is the definition of freezing point?

When it reach zero degree Celsius.

What is the definition of celsius?

It is a relating to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 0° Celsius and the boiling point as 100° Celsius under normal atmospheric pressure.

What is the definition of zero degree Celsius?

Temp at which fresh water freezes (or melts).

What is the temperature water freezes at in Celsius?

00C. It's part of the definition of of the Celsius scale. the other part being that water boils at 1000C.

What is the freezeing point of water under standard conditions in degrees Celsius and Kelvin?

By definition of the 'Celsius' scale water freezes at 0 0C or 273,15 K.

Definition of Celsius?

the scale of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° under standard conditions.

Is 20 degrees Celsius cold?

Depends on what your definition of cold is. 20 degrees celsius is about 52 70 degrees fahrenheit. So it is about room temperature

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Ton Of Refrigeration : Is the refrigerating effect required to reduce the temperature of one ton of water from zero degree Celsius (liquid stage) to zero degree Celsius (solid stage) in 24 hour. Kiran.

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How can you use conversion in a sentence?

I converted the file from PDF to Word format for easy editing.

How do atoms behave a a temperature of -273 degrees celsius?

They don't! That is absolute zero and all motion would stop according to the definition, which is the natural temperature scale, Kelvin.

Under normal circumstances water boils at?

100°C (the definition of 100 degrees Celsius is the triple point of water) By "normal" I assume you mean standard pressure.