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1. The act or process of conveying; transmission.

2. Physicsa. Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.

b. Fluid motion caused by an external force such as gravity.

3. Meteorology The transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties by massive motion within the atmosphere, especially by such motion directed upward.

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Q: What is the definition for a convection?
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What is the definition of a convection?

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the transfer of heat by currents within a liquid or gas

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By definition convection is the direct contact transfer of heat. Convection is the wavy air above car exhaust.

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The transfer of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas) caused by molecular motion.

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where the temperature is dropping or increasing! Edit: Convection is the rising and falling of heated gas.

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Is a convection current the same as a convection?

Yes. Convection is a type of energy and a convection current is, well, the phrase for its currents. So yeah, convection and convection current are the same.

Is a bowl of oatmeal cooling is an example of conduction radiation or convection?

I don’t understand IM ON A TEST LOL (jk it’s convection losers)

Does the liquid in the inner core or outer core flow in currents?

The inner core is solid, but the mantle is the only layer of Earth that flows in currents. These currents are caused by convection. If you don't know what convection is then you might as well look it up because I don't have a good definition.