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Purgative can be used as an adjective meaning to cleanse. It can also be used as a noun for a medicine that is used as a cathartic. Both uses of the word are strongly associated with a laxative effect.

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Q: What is the definition for purgative?
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Is a golden euonymus poisonOus to children?

Yes, especially the berries. It's not bad like water hemlock where one nibble will kill you, but it is a "violent purgative."

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Laxatives make it easier for you to poop. Cathartics make you need to poop sooner. Purgatives cause your bowels to evacuate everything from them.

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They are usually called the 1) purgative way (beginners), the 2) illuminative way (advanced), and the 3) unitive way (the perfect). See the link below:

What are the side effects associated with using horehound?

Large doses: may have a purgative action. Very large doses: may cause irregular heartbeat. May interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals.