

What is the definition for thunder?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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10y ago

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A loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightining discharge. (

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What is the definition of thunderstorms?

Webster dictionary: A storm accompanied with Thunder.

Are tornado associated with thunder storms?

Yes, by definition a tornado is produced by s thunderstorm.

Do tornadoes form in thunder storm clouds?

Yes, by definition tornadoes are a kind of violent windstorm produced by a thunderstorm.

Why does thunder make a sound?

It travels because of:The boom efect and what it does and how sound travels.

What is the definition of 'thunder'?

According to Webster, thunder is classified as "the sound that follows a flash of lightning and is caused by sudden expansion of the air in the path of the electrical discharge." In simpler terms, thunder is the sound produced by the speed of a lightning bolt, similar to a sonic boom produced by a fighter jet. Did you know that thunder is heard after lightning because sound is slower than light? For more definitions try:

The sound caused by the rapid expansion of air along an electrical strike?


What is mass noun of thunder?

Yes, the noun thunder is a mass noun. Multiples of thunder are expressed as the object of a preposition (a lot of thunder, claps of thunder, rolls of thunder, etc.), or using an adjective (loud thunder, rumbling thunder, deafening thunder, etc.)

What is the Indian name for Venus's?

Actually there is no name 4 Venus unless it has a definition 2 it. N8ive names have descriptions like she pounds corn or the sound of thunder.

What is a thunder slap?

A thunder "slap" does not exist. A thunder "clap" does. A thunder clap is the term given to the sound thunder is and makes.

Do all thunder storms produce lightning?

No. Occasionally storms occur and there is no rain. This happens most often in arid regions. In many cases the rain falls, but evaporates before reaching the ground, a phenomenon called virga.

Which Beyblade is better thunder Libra or thunder Leone?

thunder leone

Is the word thunder a action word?

No, thunder is a noun like feel my THUNDER.