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Q: What is the definition of Xios in Egypt?
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What does the Egyptian xios city?

Xios was a city in Egypt. it was located near a delta by the Nile which is in Egypt.

Is there history about xios ancient Egypt?

xios is also know to be located in delta which is also located in ancient Egypt

Is Xios a city in ancient Egypt?


What word that begins with the letter x is about Egypt?

Xios was a city in ancient Egypt

What is an ancient Egyptian town named?

Xios. Xios is a Nile delta region. A city from where the Hyksos expansionists controlled by Egypt through "puppet" noble families, during a 500 year rule.

What does the Egyptian xios mean?

Xias was a city in Ancient Egypt. It was located in or near a delta by the Nile River.

What are ancient egyptian words that start with x?

Im trying to do a project on an Egypatian ABC book and i need an x ,too. so far i have found Xerxes ( but that is a persain king) and Xios which is a city in Egypt. I also eat babbies and wanna go poopy

Where is the city Xios located?

I wanna know too

What Arabic words start with x?

There is zodiac, and zenet There is zodiac, and zenetZiggurat is not an Egypt word, it is from Mesopotamia

What is Egypt Police day in Egypt?

It' a day celebrating the police force of Egypt, as a short definition.

What is the definition of an Egyptian?

A person from Egypt.

What is the river that runs through Egypt?

This river is named the Nile. It runs 4,000 miles through nearly half of Africa, and is the world's longest river. The Egyptians have a deity for it, who is named Hapi. At the end of the Nile lies the famous delta, and in that delta used to be the city Xios.